Roundtable Discussion: ACT UP’s Radical Pedagogy


Thursday 21 November, Noon to 2pm
Contemporary Arts Center, Building 721, Colloquium Room 3201


Roundtable Discussion: ACT UP’s Radical Pedagogy

Date : 
Thursday, November 21, 2024 - 12:00pm
CAC Colloquium Room 3201

Join us for a roundtable discussion with Jonathan Alexander, Juli Carson, and James S. Nowick, UCI professors from across disciplines. They come together to explore ACT UP’s legacy of direct action, specifically how it has been a vital force in shaping medical science, pharmaceuticals, literature, art and radical pedagogy. Each scholar will offer insights into how ACT UP's strategies and activism resonate within their own areas of expertise, while considering the ongoing relevance of these approaches in today’s struggles for justice and equity.

Jonathan Alexander is Chancellor's Professor of English and Informatics at the School of Humanities, UC Irvine and the Director of Humanities Core Program.

Juli Carson is Professor of Art, Theory and Criticism in the Department of Art, UC Irvine and Director, University Art Galleries.

James S. Nowick is Distinguished Professor, Chemistry at the School of Physical Sciences, UC Irvine. He holds joint appointments in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.

Moderated by Sasha Ussef, Associate Director, University Art Galleries, UC Irvine. 

This program is organized in parallel to the exhibition Learning from ACT UP: Tactics of Direct Action, curated by Juli Carson and Sasha Ussef. The exhibition is on view through December 14, 2024 in Room Gallery, UC Irvine.