MFA Thesis Exhibitions: Part II
The Department of Art at the University of California, Irvine presents the solo exhibitions of Kelly Donahey, Jason Gowans, and Reinhart Selvik. This is the second round of 2017 MFA thesis exhibitions.
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Kelly Donahey — University Art Gallery
Stirring Battle Scenes. U.S. troops and “Indians” take part, including the famous generals and chiefs engaged in the Battle of Greasy Grass. Exhume gold in the Black Hills of North Dakota. Historical! Educational! Of more than ordinary interest to the public. Living Picturesque reproductions combined for an Effective Illustration of Wild Western Life. Projections! Sound! See Comanche, the horse discovered with more than a dozen wounds in its hide. The sole survivor of Custer’s army. Witness the scalpings of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. Marvel at Sitting Bull’s trained horse as it dances to the gunshots that killed him.
Jason Gowans — Contemporary Arts Center Gallery (Front)
Gowans’s most recent body of work is based on a series of visits to the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. Consisting of mural-sized photographic prints constructed from 3D modeling software as well as sculptural and text works, WSMR continues Gowans’s investigation into the history and evolution of photographic imaging and technology, focusing on how images continually shape and define our interactions with the world both consciously and subconsciously.
Reinhart Selvik — Contemporary Arts Center Gallery (Back)
On view in the back of the CAC Gallery, Reinhart Selvik presents Residue, a sculptural installation which threads through geography, time, and the traces of experience embedded in the architecture of Los Angeles. It is an exploration of the home, the neighborhood, and the city within the subject. Two large scale molds of city street corners bracket a two block expanse along South Street in North Long Beach–stratifying the pedestrian vestiges of the street’s history, and the paths that have been traversed. Selvik navigates through different kinds of memory: physical and mental, by exploring materializations of information that are coded into physical space.